Celebrity Photos

Images of the most recognizable faces around the globe.

Celebrities of Color

Our collection includes images of your favorite celebrities, actors, athletes, musicians, models, and high profile people of color.

Star power

We capture moments like fashion and beauty shoots, live performances, star studded awards shows, and red carpet events. We’re the new destination for celebrity images for your news, blogs, magazines, and other publications.


Have an assignment?

No problem! We can tap into our network of celebrity photographers in over 25 countries to cover an event.


The most colorful stars

We have thousands of celebrity images (rights-managed commercial and editorial photos) from many past events, live shows, and more. Here's what’s currently trending on our platform:

Jennifer Lopez
Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson
Viola Davis
Lena Waithe
Tzi Ma
Lupita Nyong'o
Salma Hayek
Cardi B
Mahershala Ali
Rosario Dawson
Jamie Foxx

Want to shoot for us?

We're always looking for more photographers with new and interesting images. Our network includes the United States, Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe, Africa, APAC, and beyond. By joining our community, you will be a part of a global movement to transform the face of stock media - and be paid fairly for your hard work.